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Making Memoir Matter: Personal Essay and Memoir Workshop

with Meghan Daum

Mondays, 12pm - 2pm PT 

$1500 / Max 9 students

Here’s the thing about memoir and personal essay. Get it wrong, and you can be branded a solipsist, a whiner, a shameless exploiter of yourself and others, or, gasp . . . confessional. Get it right, and you can touch readers in ways they didn’t think were possible—and change the course of your writing career in the process.

This class will cover fundamental issues of craft and personal storytelling while also helping students take intellectual risks, tell bold truths without burning (too many) bridges, and transcend the merely personal in order to arrive at larger and more universal ideas. In lieu of written instructor comments, each student will have the opportunity to have a one-hour private meeting with Meghan on Zoom during the course of the eight weeks. And we’ll try to have a guest speaker or two!

Hugo barkerruptions possible.

About Meghan Daum

Learn more here.


October 29

Writing humor in humorless times